Last spring, Zhang Bin, a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Science, proposed a one-time appreciation, followed by a return to a pegged exchange rate. 去年春季,中国社会科学院高级研究员张斌提出了一次性升值、然后回到与一篮子货币挂钩的汇率建议。
This can be attributed in part to continued adherence to a very strong fiscal situation and pegged exchange rate, and partly to China's remarkable growth. 这部分归功于继续坚持一种非常强大的金融状况和联系汇率,部分归功于中国显著的增长。
A pegged exchange rate also cramped the RBI's room to raise interest rates, because that would attract yet more capital. 印度储备银行RBI的钉住汇率制度也束缚了其上调利率的空间,因为上调利率会吸引更多资金。
At this stage of growth, neither a pegged exchange rate nor subsidies are desirable. 在当前发展阶段,盯住汇率机制和补贴都不可取。
How to exit from the pegged exchange rate regime? 如何从钉住汇率制度中退出?
Under the Pegged Exchange Rate the Plight of China's Interest Rate Policy 钉住汇率下中国利率政策的困境:理论与经验
This indicates that international politics has tremendous influence on the exchange rate and regime of RMB, urging Chinese government to abandon the pegged exchange rate system. 因此,这显示国际政治因素在人民币的案例上,对其汇率体制与名目汇率产生影响,促使中国放弃实施多年的汇率体制。
Pegged Exchange Rate System 固定汇率制度/钉住汇率制度
Many of these changes consisted of the abandonment of a pegged exchange rate in favour of a more flexible exchange regime. 这些变革中很多就是放弃挂钩汇率,采用更为灵活的汇率制度。
As large amounts of dollars flow into China through net exports and foreign investment, the Chinese central bank must buy up these dollars at the pegged exchange rate. 由于大量美元通过净出口和外国投资的形式流入中国,中国央行必须按盯住的汇率买进这些美元。
The collective pegged exchange rate regime, from theoretical and practical perspective, has its stable mechanisms and unstable defects. 从理论和实践分析,集体钉住汇率制有其内在的稳定机制,也有内源性的动荡缺陷,稳定性和脆弱性同存。
We build a monetary model to show how expected appreciation lead to a large amount of hot money inflow and an excessive money supply increase, and eventually a revaluation pressure on a pegged exchange rate regime. 本文建立了一个附加汇率预期的连续时间粘性价格的货币模型,描述人民币升值预期带来的大规模资本流入及货币供给的过度增长,对目前的人民币钉住汇率平价构成的压力。
External Shocks and the Collapse of the Pegged Exchange Rate Regime The Stock Exchange 资本账户和经常账户负面冲击与钉住汇率制度危机的理论分析
It is difficult to make the pegged exchange rate regimes to be sustainable under the open-economy conditions. 在开放经济条件下,盯住汇率制度变得越来越不可维持。
In 1999 IMF reassessed all countries 'exchange rate regime and the renminbi was defined as pegged exchange rate system. 人民币有管理浮动汇率制度在1999年IMF对各国汇率制度重新评估时被界定为严格盯住汇率制度。
More and more countries had exited from the pegged exchange rate regimes and adopted more flexible exchange rate regimes. 很多国家不断退出盯住汇率制度,实行更加灵活的汇率制度。
The pegged exchange rate system is not compatible with the changed economic conditions; It is difficult to make the pegged exchange rate regimes to be sustainable under the open-economy conditions. 阿根廷经济形势恶化是由下列原因造成的:固定汇率制难以适应经济形势的变化;在开放经济条件下,盯住汇率制度变得越来越不可维持。
System; The Practice of Exiting from Pegged Exchange Rate in China 退出钉住汇率制度在中国的实践
Therefore, renminbi actually is pegged exchange rate regime although it is a managed floating in the "law". 因此,人民币在“法律”上的“有管理浮动”,在事实上收敛于严格盯住。
Research on Different Strategies for Exiting from the Pegged Exchange Rate Regimes 退出盯住汇率制度不同策略的比较研究
Collective Pegged Exchange Rate Regime and Regional Finance Stability 集体钉住汇率制与地区金融稳定&兼评人民币汇率制度改革
Therefore, it is more pressing and necessary to reform and adjust the institutions of pegged exchange rate. 对钉住汇率制度进行适当的改革与调整显得非常紧迫与必要。
After the Asia financial crisis, the rigescent pegged exchange rate has been regarded as one of the reasons that inducing this crisis. 亚洲金融危机过后,僵化的钉住汇率制被认为是导致危机的原因之一。
In pegged exchange rate system, the central bank had the dual mandate of keeping stability of exchange rate and money supply. There were always between the two conflicts. 在盯住汇率制度下,由于央行要担负维护汇率稳定和货币供给稳定的双重任务,二者之间时常存在着矛盾。
For a fragile financial system and open emerging economies, the pegged exchange rate policies are more vulnerable to economical or currency crisis. 在金融体系较为脆弱而资本较为开放的新兴经济体中,钉住汇率制度更易出现金融或货币危机。
The final part of this thesis we wrap up all previous arguments to claim that the existing financial repression in China as an initial instrument to prevent capital inflows ( pegged exchange rate) or stimulate investments are also crucial to protect the financial strength of the banking system. 最后一章为全文所述论点的归纳,阐明中国当前采用金融抑制作为最初的金融工具,无论为规避资本流入(固定汇率)还是刺激投资,对保护银行体系金融发挥财务优势仍至关重要。
Many investigations consider that it is difficult to maintain the pegged exchange rate for a long time, and it is essential to prepare exit arrangement in advance. 许多研究认为钉住汇率制难以长期维持,实行该制度的国家事先做好退出安排是十分必要的。
Thirdly, the author discusses the mechanism of financial fragility accumulation when the pegged exchange rate regime is adopted. 第三对新兴市场钉住汇率制下的金融脆弱性积聚机理进行分析。
The findings show that under the perfect the capital mobility, the pegged exchange rate regimes are the sources of the currency crisis. 研究发现,在国际资本高度流动的情况下,这些国家实行的盯住汇率制度是导致货币危机的根源。